We want to say Thank you as we wrap up a year that, to say the least, has one way or another effected all of you and every hospitality industry in the country. Some in good ways, bad ways, and in ways we NEVER saw coming. We hope that 2021 is the best year yet for you and for our fellow industry companies. We can't thank our loyal customers enough for supporting us through the most unusual year we have ever experienced. We would also like to thank our amazing staff this season for adapting to the changes and their ability to still be awesome while doing so. We are hopefull for a fun & healthy 2021 season with many amazing memories to come where we can dance, jump around, hug, be close and enjoy one another!

So, in light of being hopeful to getting back to this, here is a throw back of Garden State Radio playing on our beach stage in the past! Please have a safe, healthy, and happy New Year friends! We can't wait to make more memories with you next year! Cheers!